Sunday, September 27, 2009

Officials: Obama shared info on Iran nuke site with Russia, China

Obama shared intelligence with Russia and China about Iran's nuclear facility to get them on board against Tehran. Beginning to work is a strategy to build a coalition with the two countries. (Two officials said and asked not to be named because of the sensitivity to the topic.) Like the U.S., Russia and China are veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council. They have long opposed sanctions against Iran for nuclear program. Willing to compromise are Russian leaders. Iran admitted to uranium enrichment plant in a letter to International Atomic Energy Agency. The announcement prompted Obama, British Prime Minister and French President to hold a news conference in Pennsylvania. Obama says Iran is breaking rules all must follow. Called on Iranian government to make sure the nuclear program is for civilian use only.

I think that it is a good idea for Obama to meet with Russia and China for them to talk about how the nuclear program in Iran will affect each nation and the people in their nations. What happens in Iran will affect all of us because of economic interdependence. It will affect the entire world in a way. For those officials who asked not to be named, I think that it was a good idea to not be named because some people might take offence to what they stated or said. I think that if Iran admitted to having two nuclear enrichment plants then we have to do something about it. If Iran is breaking rules that all nations should follow, acording to Obama, then we should do something to ensure that they stop breaking the rules. There shouldn't be acceptions for one nation to a rule all must follow. I agree that Iran should show that the nuclear plant is for civilians so we know that we aren't in any danger.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obama’s worldwide star power finds limits

Obama has become a global celebrity. He is using this to repair America's image. He talks of limiting nuclear weapons, begin engaging adversaries, and more. Events have show Obama's personal charm limits. Obama faces leaders who don't like the new president remind differences with U.S. and the world. Some nations refuse to send new troops, ignore pleas, and to head off a coup. Leaders have refused efforts at peace. Some say Obama raised hopes with expectations for peace.

I think that with Obama becoming known around the world is good for America's image because he is different then President Bush and has made a few good changes for the United States. I don't think that Obama's charm has to do with anything. If he won the election just on charm then America has elected the wrong person for president. We elected Obama in hopes that he could help America and help clean up the mess that has been made. Yes there may be differences between the United States and the rest of the world but with a new presidency the world needs to put the past behind them and look forward to the future. As for the people who thought of President Obama's speech for peace as something that was going to happen right away. Well, it needs a bit more time then just Obama's 8 months of presidency.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tears and raindrops mix at 9/11 ceremonies

Tears and Raindrops mix at 9/11 ceremonies

People joined in many activities on 9/11 including the reading of the names of the people who were lost in 9/11. President Obama placed a wreath at the Pentagon and helped paint a living room. Rain fell while people reading the names off. Two bright blue lights rose from lower Manhattan in memory of the two towers. There were many volunteers who stuffed baskets, distributed food for the needy, worked on a garden and picnic area, and more.

In my opinion, I think that it is great that many US citizens came together and honored those that had died and were injured in the events of 9/11. I still can't believe is has been eight years since the Twin Towers were attacked. It is also great that people came and did many charitable things like creating baskets for the soldiers, giving food to people who need it, and more. It really shows that we all care. I like the way how we all help each other out in a time of need. It seems that not many people do that anymore but on 9/11 we help out because we all can't imagine how some people are feeling, some greatful for their loved one to be alive and others sad because they lost a loved one in the falling of the Twin Towers.