Sunday, November 29, 2009

Five killed, 10 critically injured when minivan crashes in Louisiana

Five people were killed and ten people were injured Saturday when a minivan crashed near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There were fifteen people in the minivan and only two were wearing seat belts. Of the people dead there were children as young as 3 years old. The minivan blew a tire and the driver lost control. It hit a box truck and then ran off the road into the left median, turning a few times and finally come to a stop upright on the east side of the road. The person in the truck wasn't injured. The accident shut down I-10 (were the accident happened) in both directions and after two hours one lane was opened on each side. They say that alcohol and drugs were not factors of the crash. The accident came after the Louisiana Legislature passed a law requiring people in every seat to be buckled up.

This is why they passed the law for everyone to be buckled when in a moving vehicle. It is very sad that this had to happen and right after the legislature passes the law telling everyone to buckle up. I wonder how they fit fifteen people into the minivan because there aren't even enough seats in the van for all of them. So, of course, with over the maximum capacity of people in the minivan, there weren't enough seat belts for them all. It is truly sad that young children died in this accident when they could have taken other vehicles and could have been buckled into their own seats instead of them having to, probably, sit on the others laps. I think that the other ten people in the car were luck because they are still alive but I also think that they should probably feel bad because they should have known that there wasn't enough room in the minivan for them all and should have taken other cars. This is a very sad story but I think that this should teach us all and the people involved in the crash that we should all were our seat belts in the car and to only have as many people in a car that can be buckled up.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Galileo's missing fingers found in jar.

More than a century after they were last seen, the two fingers cut from Italian astronomer Galileo's had almost 300 years ago are rediscovered. They were purchased at an auction and brought to the Museum of the History of Science in Florence. When Galileo's body was moved from a temporary monument to its final resting place in Florence, Italy, three fingers were cut from his hand in march 1737 and the last tooth remaining in his lower jaw was also taken. Two fingers and the tooth were sealed in a glass jar that disappeared after 1905. There was no trace of them for more than 100 years until the person brought them to the museum. The last person that saw these objects gave a very detail description in 1905. The jar matches in every minute detail the description. The auctioneer had no idea the fingers and tooth was Galileo. The museum plans to display the objects in March 2010. The museum has had the third finger since 1927. The people who cut off his fingers considered him a secular saint; the fingers removed were the ones he would have used to hold a pen.

I find it very ironic that the fingers and the tooth was found at an auction. I just wonder how the jar with the two fingers and the tooth got misplaced. Did someone steal it? Or was it hidden by an object in the room? It would have been great to know how it got lost. In the article it said that three fingers were cut from his hand in March of 1737, I also wonder why only two fingers were placed in the jar and not all three. The third finger was found in 1927 and it doesn't say anything about where it was from 1737 to 1927 when it was brought to the museum. So where was that third finger all that time? It is pretty cool that the description for 1905 of the jar matches what the jar looks like when it was bought at the auction.
There are many things that I wonder about this story that don't really have answers to them like where were they for so many years? How did the person who bought them know that they were Galileo's? How did they get lost? Why were only two fingers put in the jar? and many more questions that don't have an answer.
It is very weird and cool that the other two fingers and the tooth were still in the original jar they were placed in and that they were actually being auctioned off.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oklahoma doctor held in death of son, 9

A doctor in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was arrested Monday and accused in the morning of his 9 year old sons death. Stephen Wolf, 51, faces first-degree murder charges according to Nichols Hills, Oklahoma Police Chief Richard Mask. Tommy Wolf was dead when authorities arrived at the families home around 4 a.m. Mask says that it was obvious there had been a type of altercation. Arriving officers disarmed Wolf but only said there was a knife found at the home. Authorities believe the altercation began in the boy's room and went to other rooms. Mary Wolf, wife and mother, suffered defensive puncture wounds to her hands and mouth. Authorities believe she attempted to protect her child, her wounds not seen as life-threatening. The first 911 call came at 3:53 a.m. from Wolf's next-door neighbor, Mary ran to the house for help. The second came from Mary but she hung up. She made the third call after police had arrived. The boy's death had a devastating effect on Nichols Hills. Stephen Wolf is listed as an internist in Oklahoma City.

This is a very sad story. To think that a father would do that to his wife and son. In order to really understand the story we need to find out what had possessed him to do this to his son and then to take it out on his wife when she tried to protect their child. But since we have no idea what made his act this way we can only make assumptions. My first assumption is he was very upset about something and chose to drink his problems away and then he came home and got upset at his son. Then I thought maybe Mr. Wolf had been having problems with his family and was too upset to try and fix things any other way, so he decided he would beat his son to make him see his point.

Then again, whatever provoked Wolf to kill his son and injure his wife is not spoke of in the article. I hope that Mrs. Wolf is doing well and as for Tommy I hope that he rests in peace and that his family and friends can grieve and then proceed with their lives. This is a horrible story and it is sad to think that it is actually true.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reforms

In 2007, reforming the nation’s system for financing health care emerged in the political spectrum and all levels of government. Proposals from several state governors, the Bush administration, and contenders for the 2008 presidential race headlined the news. Experts characterized the proposals into two ways: comprehensive changes focusing on universal coverage and incremental adjustment to expand existing programs to reduce the uninsured.

People supporting universal health care argue that overhauling the financing of the nation’s health care system it the best way for equal access to medical care. Medicare and Medicaid have fueled the increase of medical costs, created a wasteful bureaucracy, and didn’t provide a safety net for the uninsured. Comprehensive reform of health care will be necessary when these programs become unsustainable. Many people say that the federal government could be a single purchaser acting for all the patients. That way the government could make health care providers rein in charges and be held accountable for the quality of care. Another proposal relies on mandating government subsidies so that the poor receive tax credits/money that enables them to get insurance. Some favor a system of vouchers that include government funding for the basics, plus choice and competition. Basic care would be universal and no means-testing for eligibility. The participants could choose competing plans or to purchase additional coverage.

Critics don’t oppose health care for all, but they disagree with the ways to achieve that goal. They think that a government-sponsored medical program would create less competition and ultimately produce poor care. They also think that the government oversight would add to bureaucracy, inefficiency, and soaring costs. People argue that the state-sponsored health care would leave thousands of insurance and medical industry workers unemployed. These people favor making incremental changes, like enhancing tax-free health savings accounts and tax deductions for those that buy their health insurance. By having consumers pay more for health care and medical expenses, policymakers believe the market will rein in medical costs.

I believe that everyone should have or be able to receive health care. Comprehensive health care reform, I think, is the way to go. I think this because we could make the choice from competing plans or additional coverage. It is our choice on what we do. Because of programs like Medicare and Medicaid our medical costs are down and we don’t have that safety net for the uninsured. I think that with the governments help we could get the providers of health care to change charges and have them accountable for the quality of the care we receive. As people of the United States we need to think about us all and with universal coverage everyone can gain access to the medical care that they need. The President is someone who is very committed to passing the comprehensive health reform in order to control rising health care costs, guarantee doctor choice, and affordable health care for all Americans.

Issue #2 - Ensuring Quality Care For Medicare Patients - Sarah's Blog

Issue #3 - Safe to Eat? - Cody's Blog

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dead wrong: Man attends own funeral after mix-up over body's ID

A Brazilian bricklayer walked into his own funeral on the holiday the Day of the Dead. Ademir Jorge Gonclaves shocked relative when they caught sight of him. Some tried to jump out the windows when they saw him. Natanael Honorato, manager of the funeral home in the Parana state, said he had never witnessed a scene like this. Some family members and friends identified the victim of a car crash as Gonclaves on November 1st, the funeral was scheduled for the following day, Dia de Finados (a holiday when Brazilians remeber loved ones who have died). Gonclaves' family didn't know that he spent the night drinking at a bar near the crash site. When he heard about his funeral, he showed up at the Funeraria Rainha das Colinas funeral home. The mystery was solved later that day when a family inquired about their missing son and recognized the body.

I find this story to be very sad but yet still amusing. It is sad because one family thought they had lost someone they loved and went through all the trouble of putting together a funeral. Then on the day of the funeral Gonclaves walks in and the family is feeling relief that they found out that they hadn't lost a family member or friend. It is also sad that the family who was missing their son had to find out that he was no longer living.
It is semi amusing that two people who aren't related can look that much alike that Goncalves' family would recognize the body as their family member who they couldn't find.
I feel very much for these two families. For Goncalves' family, I am glad that they know that he is alive and well. I feel bad for the other family because they lost their son and had to go through the process of planning a funeral and burying him. I hope that his family is doing well and that they will be able to move forward with everything that they do.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Canadian Singer Killed by Coyotes- Response to Ellen's Blog

Ellen stated that a Canadian singer, Taylor Mitchell, was killed by coyotes in a national park in Nova Scotia, Canada. Ellen aslo said that the park officials have shot a coyote involved in the attack and are testing it for diseases.

Ellen said that this story is truly tragic. She feels bad for the 19 year old singer who was nominated for the "Young Performer of the Year" award by Canadian Folk Music Awards, but she also feels bad for the coyote that was shot. Ellen hopes the officials can find out what was wrong with the coyote to make it act that way.

I agree in many ways with Ellen. This is a tragic story. Taylor was a famous singer and (from what I have read) on her way to becoming a big singer in Canada. Along with Ellen, my heart goes out to her family and her fans during this time. I also hope that the park officials are finding out what caused the coyotes to attack Mitchell. National Parks are meant for enjoyment of nature and we should feel safe at them and not feel like some of the wildlife could hurt us.

I disagree with Ellen on how she felt bad for the coyote that was shot. The park officials need to find out why these coyotes attacked Mitchell and find a way to prevent this kind of thing from happening again or get those coyotes out of the park. Also this articles states that there were multiply coyotes that attacked and killed Mitchell, but the park officials only shot one of the coyotes that attacked her, so there are still the others out there in the National Park in Nova Scotia, Canada.

This is a terrible story and I hope all of Taylor Mitchell family is doing well. May Taylor rest in peace.