Monday, December 28, 2009

Vonn injured in giant slalom fall

In Lienz on Monday, American Lindsey Vonn suffered a pre-Olympic scare after a crashing fall in the World Cup giant slalom. Vonn damaged her left arm. She received lenghty medical treatment. Scans at a local hospital showed there were severe bruising and that she can compete in Tuesday's slalom. Her arm is placed in a splint. Vonn says that hurting her arm is way better than hurting one of her legs. Vonn's crash overshadowed a victory for Kathrin Hoelzl of Germany with Manuela Moelgg of Italy in second. Taina Barioz of France got third. Vonn's stands with 581 points ahead of Maria Riesch. Vonn looks to defend her crown as Kathrin Hoelzl is 50 points adrift. Vonn suffered an unusual injury at the world championships earlier this year. She had sliced her thumb opening a bottle. Vonn is still seeking her first Olympic medal.

I am glad that Vonn is alright and can still compete. It is upsetting that this happened very close to the Olympics. I agree with Vonn in saying that at least it wasn't her legs. To slalom you zigzag between obstacles. Slalom is an alpine skiing discipline where you ski between poles or gates spaced closer together then in Giant Slalom, Super-G or Downhill. In slalom the turns are also quicker and shorter. I think that Vonn should be very great full that she didn't hurt her legs, in order to compete she needs to be able to ski. I hope that in the upcoming Olympics, Vonn will receive her first Olympic medal. It would really show how all her hard work paid off, even though she got injured along the way. I wish Vonn and the rest of the Olympic team the best in the upcoming Olympics. I hope that they all do very well and represent the United States well.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Actress Brittany Murphy Dead at 32

The bubbly, free-spirited actress from "Clueless" and "8 Mile," Brittany Murphy has died. She was pronounced dead at 10:04 a.m. Sunday. Murphy's family thanks everyone for their love and support and asks that everyone respects their privacy. The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating the death. A final report on the cause of her death could take weeks. Including "Just Married," "Don't Say a Word" and "Riding in Cars with Boys," Murphy has starred in many movies. She also was the voice of Luanne from "King of the Hill." People thought that she was a great actress and was going to go far in her career! Many stars, including Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Simpson, and Alyssa Milano, wrote their reaction to the new through Twitter. Murphy was known best for her work in a string of romantic comedies in the early 2000s, but her roles had declined in the years. Last month, Murphy and the production of "The Caller" mutually parted ways.

It is really sad that Brittany Murphy had to die at such a young age. I loved watching movies that she starred in. I hope that her family is doing well and that she may rest in peace. "Uptown Girls" is one of my favorites that she starred in. She could make a role very funny and she could make a role very romantic and serious.

I am wondering how exactly she died. They said that the police department was investigating it and that later on there would be robbery and homocide detectives there to investigate. The article never really told us is she just kind of died or was killed. I hope that they can figure out what happened for the families sake. They deserve to know as soon as possible.

I hope that everyone respects the families privacy as they ask. It is the right thing to do.

As I said earlier, I hope that Murphy's family pulls through this rough time that they are now facing and that Brittany Murphy rests in peace.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Boosting the Minimum Wage

Many voters supported Democratic efforts in Congress to raise the wage from $5.15/hour to $7.25/hour. This increase would bring up the take-home pay of Americans and with the assistance of food stamps and the EITC, full-time workers earning the minimum wage will be able to raise above the poverty level.

Supporters of the minimum wage increase are outraged that a full-time worker earning minimum wage would still live below the poverty line. They argue that raising the wage will help millions of American workers, including single mothers. Supporters say that more people with more money will boost our economy and counter negative effects of raising prices to cover increased wages. Some say that new tax cuts shouldn’t have been attached to the increase of the minimum wage. They argue that businesses already have received generous tax cuts. The supporters also fear that tax cuts will remove needed money for government funding.

Others think that the increase is counterproductive. Arguing that the minimum wage is a weak weapon for fighting poverty. They say this because it only affects a small percent of workers and almost half of workers who get paid minimum wage are teens. They think that the increase will hurt businesses and low-income workers because this will lead to higher prices and job cuts. People who oppose the increase in minimum wage insist that the market works best when laws of supply and demand determine the wage. They suggest that expanding the EITC would help better, rewarding work without interfering in the market.

I think that the minimum wage should be left along. Yes, it is sad that people are living below the poverty line, but when they say that raising the minimum wage would help millions of American workers, including single mothers, most single mothers are teenagers who still live with their parents. I agree that almost half of the workers who get paid minimum wage are teens, and if teens are the majority of the minimum wage workers then there is no need to raise the minimum wage. Also, when we raise the minimum wage, we will also have to raise the prices of food and businesses to make up for paying the workers more. The extra money that the workers make will just pay for the same needs that they would have paid for if the minimum wage had stayed the same.

In The New York Times article “Congress Passes Increase in the Minimum Wage,” Representative John A. Boehner criticized the wage provisions.

Issue #1:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cyber-bullying - the improved kind of bullying

After reading Hayleys blog about cyber-bullying, I just had to write about it too. She says that a group of teenagers in Ohio followed a girl by the name of Alexis Xanders and her boyfriend, who were walking home after school one day, and were having an argument about what kind of music they like, all of this was caught on tape. The group and a nameless suspect were angry because Xanders doesn't like Insane Clown Posse. Xander prefers to listen to alternative and scream-o music.

Through out the video, the group egged on the suspect telling her to hit Alexis Xanders. They wanted to see a fight. Xanders and her boyfriend told the group to go away. At the end, the suspect punches Xanders in the face.

Alexis Xander was sent the video. After receiving the video, Xanders posted it on YouTube and CNN iReport, later a local news reporter alerted the police department.

The teenagers involved are being investigated for encouraging the punch, while the suspect, being charged as a juvenile, with individual counts of assault and menacing and unlawful restraint.

Hayley goes on to say that Cyber-Bullying is a new and improved version of bullying that involves posting embarrassing/harassing information on the Internet or sending it to people through text and instant messages. Cyber-Bullying is all about using technology to bully.

Hayley later says that Xanders never physically fought back, but did do something to fight against bullying. Her piece of advice to anyone in the same situation: "Tell somebody and do something about it. Don't just sit there and take it. You can use your words and not your hands."

I think that Xanders did the right thing by not fighting back. It would have just made the whole situation worse. As I read the article that Hayley blogged about, I found that the suspect had disliked Xanders since 5th grade and that earlier that week they had talked to the principal and an officer to try and figure out their problems. Well, as we found out, the session didn't help much.

What really irks me is that the group of teens who video taped the brawl decided to sent the video to Xanders. I personally think that that is very childish and a very idiotic idea. I was very surprised that Xanders, after receiving the video, decided to post the video online. I figured that she would have wanted the entire thing to not get out in the open. All Xanders wanted to do was make others aware that bullying and cyber-bullying is not cool and can really hurt people.

I hope that Xander is okay and that the group of teens and the suspect now realize that cyber-bullying and bullying are not okay. Also that anyone can listen to whatever kind of music they want to.


Hayley's Blog:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Weezer singer hurt in bus crash

The lead singer of Weezer was involved in a bus accident Sunday. Him and another passenger in a hospital. Rivers Cuomo complained of rib pain and was transferred to St. Mary's Hospital in Amsterdam, NY. Cuomo's wife, daughter, and a fifth passenger on the bus aren't injured. The bus was traveling from Toronto to Boston for a show Monday night. The accident occurred shortly after 7:30 a.m. Sunday. The driver said the back end slid on ice, went into the median and hit some reflective posts before crossing back over the highway, over the guardrail and landing in a ditch. It had snowed about two inches overnight and the roads were generally wet Sunday but not covered in snow. Police said that drugs or alcohol weren't a factor in the accident.

I hope that the people involved in the accident are all okay. I think that this story tells us that we all have to be careful driving this winter season. Because I live in Minnesota I know that the roads can be very slippery and you have to drive with caution. For this story, the people are lucky that nothing else horrible happened. All of the people in the car could have ended up in the hospital. Everyone needs to drive with caution now that there will be snow on the ground and in the snow melts in may get cold and freeze the melted snow. I think that those people should be very thankful that no body was seriously hurt.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Five killed, 10 critically injured when minivan crashes in Louisiana

Five people were killed and ten people were injured Saturday when a minivan crashed near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There were fifteen people in the minivan and only two were wearing seat belts. Of the people dead there were children as young as 3 years old. The minivan blew a tire and the driver lost control. It hit a box truck and then ran off the road into the left median, turning a few times and finally come to a stop upright on the east side of the road. The person in the truck wasn't injured. The accident shut down I-10 (were the accident happened) in both directions and after two hours one lane was opened on each side. They say that alcohol and drugs were not factors of the crash. The accident came after the Louisiana Legislature passed a law requiring people in every seat to be buckled up.

This is why they passed the law for everyone to be buckled when in a moving vehicle. It is very sad that this had to happen and right after the legislature passes the law telling everyone to buckle up. I wonder how they fit fifteen people into the minivan because there aren't even enough seats in the van for all of them. So, of course, with over the maximum capacity of people in the minivan, there weren't enough seat belts for them all. It is truly sad that young children died in this accident when they could have taken other vehicles and could have been buckled into their own seats instead of them having to, probably, sit on the others laps. I think that the other ten people in the car were luck because they are still alive but I also think that they should probably feel bad because they should have known that there wasn't enough room in the minivan for them all and should have taken other cars. This is a very sad story but I think that this should teach us all and the people involved in the crash that we should all were our seat belts in the car and to only have as many people in a car that can be buckled up.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Galileo's missing fingers found in jar.

More than a century after they were last seen, the two fingers cut from Italian astronomer Galileo's had almost 300 years ago are rediscovered. They were purchased at an auction and brought to the Museum of the History of Science in Florence. When Galileo's body was moved from a temporary monument to its final resting place in Florence, Italy, three fingers were cut from his hand in march 1737 and the last tooth remaining in his lower jaw was also taken. Two fingers and the tooth were sealed in a glass jar that disappeared after 1905. There was no trace of them for more than 100 years until the person brought them to the museum. The last person that saw these objects gave a very detail description in 1905. The jar matches in every minute detail the description. The auctioneer had no idea the fingers and tooth was Galileo. The museum plans to display the objects in March 2010. The museum has had the third finger since 1927. The people who cut off his fingers considered him a secular saint; the fingers removed were the ones he would have used to hold a pen.

I find it very ironic that the fingers and the tooth was found at an auction. I just wonder how the jar with the two fingers and the tooth got misplaced. Did someone steal it? Or was it hidden by an object in the room? It would have been great to know how it got lost. In the article it said that three fingers were cut from his hand in March of 1737, I also wonder why only two fingers were placed in the jar and not all three. The third finger was found in 1927 and it doesn't say anything about where it was from 1737 to 1927 when it was brought to the museum. So where was that third finger all that time? It is pretty cool that the description for 1905 of the jar matches what the jar looks like when it was bought at the auction.
There are many things that I wonder about this story that don't really have answers to them like where were they for so many years? How did the person who bought them know that they were Galileo's? How did they get lost? Why were only two fingers put in the jar? and many more questions that don't have an answer.
It is very weird and cool that the other two fingers and the tooth were still in the original jar they were placed in and that they were actually being auctioned off.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oklahoma doctor held in death of son, 9

A doctor in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was arrested Monday and accused in the morning of his 9 year old sons death. Stephen Wolf, 51, faces first-degree murder charges according to Nichols Hills, Oklahoma Police Chief Richard Mask. Tommy Wolf was dead when authorities arrived at the families home around 4 a.m. Mask says that it was obvious there had been a type of altercation. Arriving officers disarmed Wolf but only said there was a knife found at the home. Authorities believe the altercation began in the boy's room and went to other rooms. Mary Wolf, wife and mother, suffered defensive puncture wounds to her hands and mouth. Authorities believe she attempted to protect her child, her wounds not seen as life-threatening. The first 911 call came at 3:53 a.m. from Wolf's next-door neighbor, Mary ran to the house for help. The second came from Mary but she hung up. She made the third call after police had arrived. The boy's death had a devastating effect on Nichols Hills. Stephen Wolf is listed as an internist in Oklahoma City.

This is a very sad story. To think that a father would do that to his wife and son. In order to really understand the story we need to find out what had possessed him to do this to his son and then to take it out on his wife when she tried to protect their child. But since we have no idea what made his act this way we can only make assumptions. My first assumption is he was very upset about something and chose to drink his problems away and then he came home and got upset at his son. Then I thought maybe Mr. Wolf had been having problems with his family and was too upset to try and fix things any other way, so he decided he would beat his son to make him see his point.

Then again, whatever provoked Wolf to kill his son and injure his wife is not spoke of in the article. I hope that Mrs. Wolf is doing well and as for Tommy I hope that he rests in peace and that his family and friends can grieve and then proceed with their lives. This is a horrible story and it is sad to think that it is actually true.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reforms

In 2007, reforming the nation’s system for financing health care emerged in the political spectrum and all levels of government. Proposals from several state governors, the Bush administration, and contenders for the 2008 presidential race headlined the news. Experts characterized the proposals into two ways: comprehensive changes focusing on universal coverage and incremental adjustment to expand existing programs to reduce the uninsured.

People supporting universal health care argue that overhauling the financing of the nation’s health care system it the best way for equal access to medical care. Medicare and Medicaid have fueled the increase of medical costs, created a wasteful bureaucracy, and didn’t provide a safety net for the uninsured. Comprehensive reform of health care will be necessary when these programs become unsustainable. Many people say that the federal government could be a single purchaser acting for all the patients. That way the government could make health care providers rein in charges and be held accountable for the quality of care. Another proposal relies on mandating government subsidies so that the poor receive tax credits/money that enables them to get insurance. Some favor a system of vouchers that include government funding for the basics, plus choice and competition. Basic care would be universal and no means-testing for eligibility. The participants could choose competing plans or to purchase additional coverage.

Critics don’t oppose health care for all, but they disagree with the ways to achieve that goal. They think that a government-sponsored medical program would create less competition and ultimately produce poor care. They also think that the government oversight would add to bureaucracy, inefficiency, and soaring costs. People argue that the state-sponsored health care would leave thousands of insurance and medical industry workers unemployed. These people favor making incremental changes, like enhancing tax-free health savings accounts and tax deductions for those that buy their health insurance. By having consumers pay more for health care and medical expenses, policymakers believe the market will rein in medical costs.

I believe that everyone should have or be able to receive health care. Comprehensive health care reform, I think, is the way to go. I think this because we could make the choice from competing plans or additional coverage. It is our choice on what we do. Because of programs like Medicare and Medicaid our medical costs are down and we don’t have that safety net for the uninsured. I think that with the governments help we could get the providers of health care to change charges and have them accountable for the quality of the care we receive. As people of the United States we need to think about us all and with universal coverage everyone can gain access to the medical care that they need. The President is someone who is very committed to passing the comprehensive health reform in order to control rising health care costs, guarantee doctor choice, and affordable health care for all Americans.

Issue #2 - Ensuring Quality Care For Medicare Patients - Sarah's Blog

Issue #3 - Safe to Eat? - Cody's Blog

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dead wrong: Man attends own funeral after mix-up over body's ID

A Brazilian bricklayer walked into his own funeral on the holiday the Day of the Dead. Ademir Jorge Gonclaves shocked relative when they caught sight of him. Some tried to jump out the windows when they saw him. Natanael Honorato, manager of the funeral home in the Parana state, said he had never witnessed a scene like this. Some family members and friends identified the victim of a car crash as Gonclaves on November 1st, the funeral was scheduled for the following day, Dia de Finados (a holiday when Brazilians remeber loved ones who have died). Gonclaves' family didn't know that he spent the night drinking at a bar near the crash site. When he heard about his funeral, he showed up at the Funeraria Rainha das Colinas funeral home. The mystery was solved later that day when a family inquired about their missing son and recognized the body.

I find this story to be very sad but yet still amusing. It is sad because one family thought they had lost someone they loved and went through all the trouble of putting together a funeral. Then on the day of the funeral Gonclaves walks in and the family is feeling relief that they found out that they hadn't lost a family member or friend. It is also sad that the family who was missing their son had to find out that he was no longer living.
It is semi amusing that two people who aren't related can look that much alike that Goncalves' family would recognize the body as their family member who they couldn't find.
I feel very much for these two families. For Goncalves' family, I am glad that they know that he is alive and well. I feel bad for the other family because they lost their son and had to go through the process of planning a funeral and burying him. I hope that his family is doing well and that they will be able to move forward with everything that they do.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Canadian Singer Killed by Coyotes- Response to Ellen's Blog

Ellen stated that a Canadian singer, Taylor Mitchell, was killed by coyotes in a national park in Nova Scotia, Canada. Ellen aslo said that the park officials have shot a coyote involved in the attack and are testing it for diseases.

Ellen said that this story is truly tragic. She feels bad for the 19 year old singer who was nominated for the "Young Performer of the Year" award by Canadian Folk Music Awards, but she also feels bad for the coyote that was shot. Ellen hopes the officials can find out what was wrong with the coyote to make it act that way.

I agree in many ways with Ellen. This is a tragic story. Taylor was a famous singer and (from what I have read) on her way to becoming a big singer in Canada. Along with Ellen, my heart goes out to her family and her fans during this time. I also hope that the park officials are finding out what caused the coyotes to attack Mitchell. National Parks are meant for enjoyment of nature and we should feel safe at them and not feel like some of the wildlife could hurt us.

I disagree with Ellen on how she felt bad for the coyote that was shot. The park officials need to find out why these coyotes attacked Mitchell and find a way to prevent this kind of thing from happening again or get those coyotes out of the park. Also this articles states that there were multiply coyotes that attacked and killed Mitchell, but the park officials only shot one of the coyotes that attacked her, so there are still the others out there in the National Park in Nova Scotia, Canada.

This is a terrible story and I hope all of Taylor Mitchell family is doing well. May Taylor rest in peace.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nuclear inspectors visit newly revealed Iran plant

The United Nations with nuclear inspectors visited the disclosed Iranian nuclear facility near Qom on Sunday. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) arrived Saturday night and will inspect the nuclear installaion site many times and will leave Tehran Tuesday, states the semi-official Mehr news agency. By revealing the existence of the nuclear enrichment facility in September, shock waves traveled through the international community. On Saturday the IAEA said that the inspectors were leaving for the inspection and gave no more details on Sunday. They will visit the site to see if it is being used for peaceful purposes, according to Ali Akbar Salehi-head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. Iran said that it needs time to decide to sign onto a deal that could help end the showdown over the nuclear activities. The proposal calls for low-enriched uranium to be sent abroad for more enrichment and return for use in medical research and treatment. Tehran will have an answer next week. Iran is considering the proposal in depth and a favorable light and needs til the middle of next week to respond. People from Iran, France, Russia, the U.S. and the IAEA met in Vienna to work out details. France, Russia, the U.S. have approved the arrangement. Director General hopes Iran will be equally positive. It will signal a new era of cooperation. Iranian officials are going to meet with the U.N. Security Council and Germany to discuss Tehran's nuclear program. Many in the West think Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons capabilities.

I am glad that inspectors went to see what was happening with Tehran's nuclear program so that we have more information on whether they are using the program for peaceful purposes or for nuclear weapsons. With Iran saying they need more time to go over the proposal, I think that they don't want other nations to have a big say in what goes on in their country or they are trying to buy themselves some time to hide the nuclear activities that they don't want others to know about. I know that Iran is saying that they are using the nuclear program for peaceful purposes but until we go in there to investigate if it is peaceful or not we really can't be sure that they are using it peacefully. I think that it is a fantastic idea for Iran, France, Russia, the United States, and the IAEA to meet and work through all the details of the proposal together, that way each country has a say in the proposal and can talk through their differences in the proposal. It is also good for the U.N. Security Council and Germany to meet with Iranian officials to further discuss the nuclear program because that way more countries are involved in finding a solution to this nuclear program issue. We need to find a solution to this issue soon before Iran goes any further in the nuclear program that may not benefit the peaceful purpose.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baby survives after falling under train

This article is written in response to Claire's Blog:
In this blog Claire states that it is a miracle that the baby survived and that parents should watch their children more. I agree.

For the baby to only come out with a cut on it's forehead after being pushed by a train 33 yards is truely a miracle. As for the mother, I think she needs to keep the baby stroller close to her and not let go of it. I pray that the mother, and other parents for that matter, will pay more attention to their children even the ones that aren't in a stroller. As Claire states, this kind of incident could happen anywhere and to anyone. I think that train stations need to have some kind of guard rail or system to provent this kind of thing to happen. Just a cut on the forehead it not that bad but it could have been much worse. Think if the baby fell out of the stroller and the train went over the baby or when the train finally stopped the baby could have been thrown from the stroller. This baby and the mother were very luck that not a lot of damage was done. I think to prevent this kind of thing from happening parents need to be more careful and watch their children. There is no other way to prevent it. It is simply that parent or adult authorities need to watch the children.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

At least 25,000 more troops needed

U.S. commander says less than 25,000 troops won't be enough to win. Opportunity to close war is turning, says David Kilcullen(advises U.S. commanders in Iraq). Obama met with top advisers to talk strategy and troops after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Gen. Stanley McChrystal(commander in Afghanistan) is asking for up to 40,000 troops. Some say there is an option to send 60,000 troops, doubling U.S. force in the country. The Obama administration needs to finish strategy a.s.a.p. says Kilcullen. He named 3 problems in Afghanistan: lack of legitimacy for the government, existence of safe places for terrorists across the border, and lack fo military resources. Kilcullen thinks it won't be possible to protect Afghan population without input of additonal resources. Perceptions of Afghan people are critical to turning the war around. The people are angry because we are not providing security. It is critical to end the corruption. It creates anger and bad government, then creates space for Taliban, and leads to cultivation across the country. Kilcullen has never seen a better leadership team in International Security Assistance Force, U.S. military, and American Embassy. Afghan military has improved but still have problems with police. Biggest problem is the civilian leadership.

In my opinion, I don't think we need to send more troops to Afganistan. If the oppurtunity to close the war is turning then why didn't we finish the war when it first opened. We could have had the entire war over with by now and we wouldn't need to send 25,000 to 60,000 troops over to Afganistan. I think that the commanders and President Obama should have talked and figured out the strategy to close the war a while ago. As for the problems in Afganistan, the U.S. should help them start to fix the problems and see if they can finish fixing them so we can remove the troops. If the people are angry at us for not providing security we need to start giving them the security they need and have them take over. I think that is all the corruption ends and the country is fine, after a while we can have all the troops come home. In the end, the Afgan people need to set aside their differences and come together to fix the problems that their country has.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Spending What We Can Afford

People are concerned about congressional spending and the budget deficit pay-as-you-go budgeting. Paygo requires tax cuts or increases in entitlement spending. There is debate if paygo is a good approach. Some say it is necessary so Congress understands that deficits matter. It responds to concerns about spending and national debt, which could lead to an economic catastrophe. Paygo holds Congress to spending only what they can pay for. By eliminates waste spending and collects unpaid taxes, Congress can raise most funds needed for new initiatives, without anymore debt. Paygo can also be suspended in case of recession or crisis. Others say the paygo is the wrong approach and rather than limiting spending it will result in tax hikes that will hurt Americans and the economy. Budget deficits should be eliminated by growth in the economy. People worry that constraints of paygo will prevent Congress from be able to reduce the Alternative Minimum Tax growth. Critics think paygo with restrict Congress’s ability to respond to national emergencies and fear that the program cuts or tax increases will anger voters.
I think that paygo (pay-as-you-go) is a good idea. I like the fact that it will hold Congress to spending only what they can pay for. Although it may increase taxes, if it gets rid of unnecessary spending we can get out of debt and raise funds for new things. The spending of government has been getting out of hand and we need to fix it so that future generations don’t have to deal with how to handle not only the present expenses but how to deal with the expenses that have been left over from past generations. According to Fox News, President Obama said that restoring the pay-as-you-go method would deal with politics and crises of the day along with the nation’s financial health.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

DHS to hire up to 1,000 cybersecurity experts

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning on hiring up to 1,000 cybersecurity experts in the next three years to protect the United States computer network. Cybersecurity is an urgent priority, says Janet Napolitano. She showed the plans at the beginning of the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. They are going to find the best Eyberanalysts to serve their county by leading against cyberthreats. Government and private secto computer sites have been targeted. The internet is a big part of our lives, society, and economy. Napolitano doesn't think that they will have to hire all 1,000 experts but focused on making a "world-class cyberorganization." The Obama administration set cybersecurity as a top priority. Chris Painter says the president is committed to find someone for the post of cyberczar to head up the efforts.

I agree that our internet is a big part in our lives. We use it for many things like banking, talking with friends and family, working on homework, and for online classes for school, like this online senior social II that I am working on right now. I think it is a good idea to get people to help protect us from cyberthreats. I think that it is crazy that government and private computers have been targeted. I can see that some government computers have been targeted by someone who really wants hack into the government and try to get some valuable information. I can also see why private computers have been targeted too. It is probably because of revenge or someone else who really hates or dislikes the persons computer they hacked into. Our computer systems need cybersecurity experts to secury our internet and computers so these government and private computers are not targeted like the way they have been.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Officials: Obama shared info on Iran nuke site with Russia, China

Obama shared intelligence with Russia and China about Iran's nuclear facility to get them on board against Tehran. Beginning to work is a strategy to build a coalition with the two countries. (Two officials said and asked not to be named because of the sensitivity to the topic.) Like the U.S., Russia and China are veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council. They have long opposed sanctions against Iran for nuclear program. Willing to compromise are Russian leaders. Iran admitted to uranium enrichment plant in a letter to International Atomic Energy Agency. The announcement prompted Obama, British Prime Minister and French President to hold a news conference in Pennsylvania. Obama says Iran is breaking rules all must follow. Called on Iranian government to make sure the nuclear program is for civilian use only.

I think that it is a good idea for Obama to meet with Russia and China for them to talk about how the nuclear program in Iran will affect each nation and the people in their nations. What happens in Iran will affect all of us because of economic interdependence. It will affect the entire world in a way. For those officials who asked not to be named, I think that it was a good idea to not be named because some people might take offence to what they stated or said. I think that if Iran admitted to having two nuclear enrichment plants then we have to do something about it. If Iran is breaking rules that all nations should follow, acording to Obama, then we should do something to ensure that they stop breaking the rules. There shouldn't be acceptions for one nation to a rule all must follow. I agree that Iran should show that the nuclear plant is for civilians so we know that we aren't in any danger.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obama’s worldwide star power finds limits

Obama has become a global celebrity. He is using this to repair America's image. He talks of limiting nuclear weapons, begin engaging adversaries, and more. Events have show Obama's personal charm limits. Obama faces leaders who don't like the new president remind differences with U.S. and the world. Some nations refuse to send new troops, ignore pleas, and to head off a coup. Leaders have refused efforts at peace. Some say Obama raised hopes with expectations for peace.

I think that with Obama becoming known around the world is good for America's image because he is different then President Bush and has made a few good changes for the United States. I don't think that Obama's charm has to do with anything. If he won the election just on charm then America has elected the wrong person for president. We elected Obama in hopes that he could help America and help clean up the mess that has been made. Yes there may be differences between the United States and the rest of the world but with a new presidency the world needs to put the past behind them and look forward to the future. As for the people who thought of President Obama's speech for peace as something that was going to happen right away. Well, it needs a bit more time then just Obama's 8 months of presidency.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tears and raindrops mix at 9/11 ceremonies

Tears and Raindrops mix at 9/11 ceremonies

People joined in many activities on 9/11 including the reading of the names of the people who were lost in 9/11. President Obama placed a wreath at the Pentagon and helped paint a living room. Rain fell while people reading the names off. Two bright blue lights rose from lower Manhattan in memory of the two towers. There were many volunteers who stuffed baskets, distributed food for the needy, worked on a garden and picnic area, and more.

In my opinion, I think that it is great that many US citizens came together and honored those that had died and were injured in the events of 9/11. I still can't believe is has been eight years since the Twin Towers were attacked. It is also great that people came and did many charitable things like creating baskets for the soldiers, giving food to people who need it, and more. It really shows that we all care. I like the way how we all help each other out in a time of need. It seems that not many people do that anymore but on 9/11 we help out because we all can't imagine how some people are feeling, some greatful for their loved one to be alive and others sad because they lost a loved one in the falling of the Twin Towers.