Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baby survives after falling under train

This article is written in response to Claire's Blog:
In this blog Claire states that it is a miracle that the baby survived and that parents should watch their children more. I agree.

For the baby to only come out with a cut on it's forehead after being pushed by a train 33 yards is truely a miracle. As for the mother, I think she needs to keep the baby stroller close to her and not let go of it. I pray that the mother, and other parents for that matter, will pay more attention to their children even the ones that aren't in a stroller. As Claire states, this kind of incident could happen anywhere and to anyone. I think that train stations need to have some kind of guard rail or system to provent this kind of thing to happen. Just a cut on the forehead it not that bad but it could have been much worse. Think if the baby fell out of the stroller and the train went over the baby or when the train finally stopped the baby could have been thrown from the stroller. This baby and the mother were very luck that not a lot of damage was done. I think to prevent this kind of thing from happening parents need to be more careful and watch their children. There is no other way to prevent it. It is simply that parent or adult authorities need to watch the children.

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