Sunday, April 11, 2010

Earthquake hits southern Spain; damage said unlikely

On Monday near Granada, Spain, a strong earthquake struck. The depth made damage unlikely. The earthquake struck at 12:08 a.m. with a magnitude of 6.2. The center of the earthquake was 15 miles southeast of Granada and 230 miles south of Madrid, Spain's capital. There wasn't immediate report of injuries or damage. The quakes depth was recorded at 400 miles, meaning little damage. "The deeper the quake, the less damage because the earth absorbs the energy." says geophysicist Susan Potter.

I am glad that there was little damage done to Spain. It would be very sad if we had to go through everything, all over again, that happened to Haiti. I hope that all the people are doing well and are okay. Thankfully there were no immediate reports of injuries. I think that the people of Spain should be happy that the strong earthquake had a 400 mile depth so the earth could absorb most of the energy of the quake. I also think that the people are probably happy that they don't have to go through what Haiti went through and are still bouncing back from. I am glad that we aren't having a repeat of the earthquake in Haiti.

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