Sunday, April 18, 2010

Several airlines vow not to charge for carry-on bags

Several major airlines promised not to charge passengers for carry-on bags, Announced Senator Charles Schumer on Sunday. Schumer said that he contacted officials at United Airlines, Delta Airlines, US Airways, JetBlue, and American Airlines, and secured commitments from all. Two weeks ago, Spirit Airlines was the first in the U.S. to propose charging $45 to store luggage in overhead bins.

On Wednesday, Schumer introduced a bill that amends the tax code to eliminate a loophole that allows airlines to avoid taxes on certain fees. This came after two other senators put a bill that would change how the Federal Aviation Administration regulates carry-on fees. Spirit argues that the fee is a strategy to make boarding faster and easier. Spirit's chief executive, Ben Baidanza, said that this is a free market and consumers can make their own choices and that Spirit is about giving people options to choose what they want to pay for.

Senator Robert Menendez countered that air carriers are crossing a line that will end by pricing middle-class families so they won't be able to fly. He also states that airlines can set their prices and families should be able to bring a change of clothes with them.

As a result the bill's co-authors called on the U.S. Treasury Department to close a loophole that gives airlines preferential tax treatment for fees on services that are not deemed "reasonably necessary."

BAG(Block Airlines' Gratuitous) Fees Act would require carry-ons be considered essential. The Free of Fees for Carry-On Act reauthorized funding for the Federal Aviation Administration.

The goal is to ensure that passengers aren't penalized for bringing medication, food and laptops on planes.

I think that having to pay to bring a carry-on bag on board is really unnecessary. I think that everyone should be able to bring a change of clothes and other things that they may need on an airplane and not be charged for it. Also, with Spirit charging for carry-on bags, I think that Spirit will be losing a lot of customers. I have only been on a plane once and from what I saw many people brought on a carry-on. With knowing this, I have a feeling that those people will not fly with Spirit and others may feel the same way and no longer fly on Spirit planes.
I am glad that some Senators are listening to the people and are taking action in keeping carry-ons free. I hope that other airlines will see that if they also charge for carry-ons they will lose business. Also, an effect from charging for carry-ons, many people will choose not to fly and people won't take as many trips or business trips. I hope that the bills work well and Spirit does well with their business.

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