Sunday, October 31, 2010

Man pulls shark's tail to save woman in Australia

In Perth, Australia a female diving guide was bitten by a shark and she was saved when another swimmer pulled the shark's tail. Frank Pisani of Fermantle Sea Rescue said that an unknown man grabbed the tail of the shark when it bet Elyse Frankcom 30 miles south of Perth. Pisani said that Frankcom started to sink but the man grabbed hold of her and brought her to the surface and into the boat. Frankcom was guiding a group of people on a dive with dolphins. Tony Cappelluti, spokesman for Department of Fisheries, said that the 10- foot shark was either a great white or a whaler shark. Frankcom, after surgery, is in a stable condition.

This is one crazy story. First off, I hope that Frankcom is doing well and isn't too seriously injured. Second, I give a round of applause to the guy how saved Frankcom. I think that he was very brave to pull the shark's tail, when the shark could have turned on him next. I would really like to know who the man was so he could have recognition as a hero in this situation.

I wonder if anyone saw the shark coming. I mean, Frankcom was diving with dolphins with a bunch of other people, so did any of them see the shark coming. Plus, it is crazy that Frankcom didn't see the shark coming or maybe she didn't expect it to get that close. Anywho, I bet the company that does the diving with sharks feels bad about one of their workers getting bitten by a shark, but I bet that they are glad that they don't have to deal with being sued if one of the group members was bitten by a shark.

Again, I hope Frankcom is doing well and that no one else got hurt during this incident.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Michelle Obama reflects on reluctance to get into politics

Michelle Obama returned to The Women's Conference to address a group of 14,000 people, most were women. The last time she was at the conference was a few years ago where she appeared in a panel with four presidential candidate wives. It took a lot of convincing for Michelle Obama to think that running for president was a good idea. She worried a lot about her girls and what to say. She beat herself up about the thinks she didn't get right during the campaign.

She spoke about an issue that is now one of her priorities as first lady. It is military families. They have to move every few years, adjust to new schools and surroundings, find jobs. Jill Biden spoke about being a military mom. She talked of troops she has met.

I would think that being a child in a military family has got to be hard and for our first lady to recognize this is pretty great. Michelle Obama can learn to help those people struggling with jobs, moving and adjusting to school for kids. I would really like to see what she does to address this issue in the future.

I agree with Michelle in the fact that if my dad were going to run for president, I might need a lot of convincing. I have school to worry about and if I had to be away from my parent to long, I would go crazy. I also agree with being worried about what to say and what not to say. Being a teenager, sometimes what we think just comes out of our mouths still and we can't control it. I would be on my toes and thinking out every little detail of what I said. I would also beat myself up and feel horrible if I said something wrong. I understand Michelle's concerns with running for the President of the United States.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dancing with the Stars - Jennifer Grey

Jennifer Grey is starting to feel the pressure as the front runner of Dancing with the Stars. Jennifer says that she doesn't know if she can handle two dances a week. Even though in Monday nights show they showed Jennifer and her partner Derek Hough fighting, they say that the producers actually left out all the good stuff. In the end Jennifer said that she wasn't going anywhere.

If you don't watch Dancing with the Stars, I suggest you start. It is a very interesting show and the dances that the celebrates create are very good.

On to the article. I think that it would be stupid if Jennifer left the competition without even trying to attempt two dances a week. I know that she has had some back problems, but I feel that she can do it and perform two well crafted dances.

As for her and Derek arguing, who doesn't argue? Everybody has their ups and downs with somebody. And nobody can get along with everyone 100% of the time. Plus, we need to add in the fact that Derek and Jennifer are with each other most of the week rehearsing together, so it is expected for them to have some differences and not get along sometimes.

I think that the producers should have put some of the good stuff, from their week of rehearsal, in their little video that is shown right before they dance.

All in all, I am glad Jennifer and Derek are still in it for the mirror ball trophy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Protect Your Facebook

The Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook's 10 popular apps transmit users' IDs to outside advertisers. It also reports the ongoing problem of the "app gap" - users who don't use apps are still at risk of personal info shared with 3rd parties. The only way to prevent your personal information getting out is not to play games or take quizes. If you have already well, your info is probably out there. You should still lock down your profile from future apps.

Personaly, if you don't want information about your life getting around, whether it is through the apps, advertisements, or people, then don't get Facebook or don't put it on your Facebook in the first place. I know that people use Facebook to connect with friends and relatives and want to share what is going on in your life with them, but you don't need to put every single minute of your life on Facebook. I have a Facebook myself, I original got it because it was the in thing and everyone had it. Now, I rarely use it because I have my cell phone.

If you are a person who uses Facebook a lot and concider it your life then I think that it would be a good idea to protect your personal information. I would start with the precautions and steps they tell you to use on the website above. Something else I would do, would be to remove my phone number from my Facebook. So you don't have to delete your Facebook.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Too much screen time can psychologically harm kids

A new study suggests that over 2 hours a day watching tv or playing computer games could put a child at a greater risk for psychological problems. Activity is good for both the physical and mental health of children. There is son evidence that screen viewing associates with bad behavior, researcher Dr. Angie Page said. She along with others have studied over 1,000 kids ages 10 to 11. The kids filled out a questionnaire (how long in front of a tv/computer and their mental state) and an accelerometer measured their physical activity. Psychological difficulties were about 60% higher for kids spending more than 2 hours in front of a screen compared to the kids who spent less than 2 hours in front of a screen. Problems increased if kids did less than 1 hour of daily exercise in addition to increased screen time. Dr. Thomas N. Robinson did a related research and found that limiting screen time reduced weight gain, aggression and consumer behaviors in kids. Robinson found that kids stuck to a screen-time budget.

I agree that people should put a limit on the amount of time kids spend on the computer and watching the television. For kids in elementary school they can use the computer to learn some of the concepts they are learning in school and if it is just for fun then it can be counted as their time in front of the screen, but I think that if a child needs to use the computer for homework that it shouldn't be counted as their time in front of a screen. Also, kids in middle school or high school shouldn't have a set limit of screen time because I know that a lot of my homework uses the computer to write papers, to create graphs for math class, and to even research some historical events.

Sometimes sticking to a screen limit can be hard and kids lose track of time. If this happens maybe they can do some more physical activity to balance out the time they spent watching tv or on the computer. Or they could just subtract it from the next days limit. There are numerous ways they can make up for the extra screen time. I also think that if a child does some extra physical activity that they should be allowed a few extra minutes of screen time.

There are a lot of bad stuff for kids to see on the Internet and even on some tv shows, so they can encourage bad behavior. As for the psychological problems, I really don't know about them but I think that kids could have psychological problems if they watch too much tv or are on the computer a long time.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stocks close higher after manufacturing data

Shares of big manufacturing companies rose after the Instittute for Supply Management said its index showed that factory activity is still expanding, although not as fast as analysts had hoped. Stock indexes started off higher but lost some of the gains later in the day. The market is coming off a surge that brought the Dow Jones average up 10.4% in the 3rd quarted. Eric Thorne, an investment adviser at Bryn Mawr Trust Wealth Management, said that expectations are rising for the economy, that is a good thing and it also means that to drive stocks higher, data needs to show signs of improvement. Both income and spending rose in August. The savings rate climbed and it can be an indication that spending may not climb in the future. About 2 stocks rose for every one that fell.

I think that it is good that manufacturing indexes showed activity is still expanding, even thought is wasn't as fast as last month it is still good. With the stocks going up it is a sure sign that our economy is improving. But I am not sure whether the economy in our area is improving. It still appears that there is a slump in the housing department because people don't have money to invest in new homes. Also people are with out jobs, which doesn't help when the people don't have money to buy a home, and there are no tell tail signs that we are coming out of the slump. With the recent increase in the markets, hopefully it is just a matter of time before we see the changes in our economy.