Sunday, October 31, 2010

Man pulls shark's tail to save woman in Australia

In Perth, Australia a female diving guide was bitten by a shark and she was saved when another swimmer pulled the shark's tail. Frank Pisani of Fermantle Sea Rescue said that an unknown man grabbed the tail of the shark when it bet Elyse Frankcom 30 miles south of Perth. Pisani said that Frankcom started to sink but the man grabbed hold of her and brought her to the surface and into the boat. Frankcom was guiding a group of people on a dive with dolphins. Tony Cappelluti, spokesman for Department of Fisheries, said that the 10- foot shark was either a great white or a whaler shark. Frankcom, after surgery, is in a stable condition.

This is one crazy story. First off, I hope that Frankcom is doing well and isn't too seriously injured. Second, I give a round of applause to the guy how saved Frankcom. I think that he was very brave to pull the shark's tail, when the shark could have turned on him next. I would really like to know who the man was so he could have recognition as a hero in this situation.

I wonder if anyone saw the shark coming. I mean, Frankcom was diving with dolphins with a bunch of other people, so did any of them see the shark coming. Plus, it is crazy that Frankcom didn't see the shark coming or maybe she didn't expect it to get that close. Anywho, I bet the company that does the diving with sharks feels bad about one of their workers getting bitten by a shark, but I bet that they are glad that they don't have to deal with being sued if one of the group members was bitten by a shark.

Again, I hope Frankcom is doing well and that no one else got hurt during this incident.

1 comment:

  1. How lucky Frankcom is that there was somebody nearby to help her! It's almost as perfect as in TV shows or movies when the good guys shows up just in the nick of time! Anyway, this is definitely a heroic story; how brave of that man to grab the sharks tale! He was totally risking his life for her! Another thing I think is great about that is that it doesn't seem to be known exactly who this guy is which shows humility at it's finest, when people can act out of pure goodness and not expect recognition and fame out of it!
