Tuesday, December 21, 2010

START moves a step closser to approval

With 67 senators voting, they stepped closer to approving the START treaty on Tuesday. The bill needed 60 votes to move forward, a procedural vote for the GOP. The final ratification will require 2/3 of the senators present. Many Republicans announced their intention to ratify the treaty who were in question of which side they were going to vote. Present for the vote was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden. Around Tuesday or Wednesday, the final vote is expected.

The START treaty is a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia. The treaty builds on a previous agreement that expired in December. It cuts nuclear weapons held by both countries by a third. (Source)

I think that it is a good idea to build on the previous agreements from the other treaty, START I. If we have already had an agreement in order and it worked out very well, it just makes sense to create another one after it expires. I hope that they get closer to ratifying the treaty.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dem. leader says Senate could finish Saturday

Senate Democratic leader says that lawmakers could complete, by Saturday, an agenda of a nuclear arms treaty, a spending bill and a repeal of the ban on gays in the military. Senate Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said on the Senate floor that the path is clear to finishing. Ried needs Republicans to sign on to wrapping up pieces of legislation. He scuttled a $1.3 trillion catch all spending bill in favor of a smaller measure to keep the government running into next year. He also set votes for Saturday on the repeal of the "don't ask - don't tell" policy. he vowed to finish a arms control treaty with Russia. The Senate needs to deal with a bill to aid people who were sick after exposure to dust from the Sept. 11 collapse of the World Trade Center.


I think that it is great that the government is trying to complete these bills. I haven't really gained an opinion on the treaty with Russia. I guess I need to get a little bit more information on the subject. As for the "don't ask - don't tell" policy and gays being allowed into the military, I think that if it is something that that particular person want to do they should be able to go into the military. I also think that we should come up will a bill that will aid the people who were near the World Trade Center because if they had known that the World Trade Center was going to be attacked, I am pretty sure that they wouldn't go anywhere near there. So I believe that they should create a bill to aid people who were sick.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jobless rate jumps to a seven-month high

Hiring slowed sharply as unemployment rate climbed to 9.8% in November. Retailers, factories, construction companies, financial firms and the government all cut jobs. Paul Dales, U.S. economist for Capital Economies, said that they economy is going nowhere when companies are not willing to boost hiring. This marks the 19th straight month that they jobless rate has been above 9%. Mark Zandi expects the nation's unemployment rate to move above 10%. Analysts say that the economy would need to add 200,000 to 300,000 a month to make a dent in the unemployment rate. Economists say the the economy is flashing signs of stronger growth in the final months of the year.


In the article it said that there were some 15.1 million people that were unemployed last month. I find that to be crazy. They were talking about the jobs that were created this month were lower then last month. They talked of how that was crazy. I don't see how it can be. If they added a lot of jobs in October, not as many jobs in the factories and companies are available to create more jobs for those that don't have work. I agree with Zandi in the fact that unemployment rate will continue to rise in the next few months. I think that we need to start small and work our way up to adding around 250,000 jobs a month. If we try to do it all at once, I think that it will really hurt our economy.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

School bus-driving mayor hurt in LA wreck

A tractor-trailer hit a school bus that had its lights flashing and stop signs extended, critically injuring 3 kids and hurting the other 18 and both drivers. The bus driver, also the town mayor, and the trucker have minor injures. Most of the kids had minor to moderate injuries. The crash happened in the morning on a straight, clear stretch between Port Barre and Opelousas. Eric Thibodeaux, supervisor for Acadian Ambulance Service, said that the back bumper was pushed in almost to the rear wheels of the bus. A seat had to be cut to free a trapped child. The Port Barre Mayor Gil Savoy was working as a substitute driving the bus. David Cox, the truck driver, said that bus was starting to leave the stop with its warning lights flashing and stop signs extended. The Mayor told the children to brace themselves when he saw the truck coming. The truck stopped and Mayor Savoy stopped the bus a few hundred feet down the highway. The kids ages range from 5 to 17. The medics worked swiftly and patients were quickly routed to hospitals.


The article said that they road was clear and straight. From that I guess that there was no ice on the road and that the weather was clear. So I don't understand why an incident like this would happen. My dad is a bus driver and I have been driving on the roads for a couple of years, so I know not to move my car until the lights have stopped flashing and the stop sign is no longer out. I don't see why the truck driver didn't just stop his truck. Also how would the truck get so close to the bus when the bus was just stopped and it takes a second or two to start going again. It is hard to understand what all happened in this situation. I hope that everyone involved in the accident are doing well and back to their version of normal very soon.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Eight countries where the dollar goes further

Many people think that they can't afford to go on a vacation to places like Europe, but they can afford to go to Hungary where the dollar goes the furthest. Hungarian currency has a 9.2 drop against the dollar. They have low prices and a generally low cost of living, making it affordable to visit. People could also consider visiting Argentina and Mexico.

STA Travel looked at 35 countries tracked by The Economist's Big Mac Index to create their list. They ranked the countries in 3 affordability categories: performance, local currency movement against the dollar, and cost-of-living. The categories are linked to one another. If currency is weak, the relative costs lower. The survey should be seen as a set of suggestions for people looking to stay on the beaten path. The survey doesn't factor in transportation, it simply addresses how far you dollar goes once you arrive. They advise not to expect all the countries to stay cheap for long.

Rebbeca Powers, a principal global consultant at Mercer, said that the economy is changing globally and that you'll start to see Hungary's cost of living go up than see Western Europe's go down.


I think that it is great that people are researching the cost of vacations in other places than the United States. It is good to know that you can go to a less expensive country and still experience the culture and style of the country. A lot of people in America are always working and working to try and afford a vacation and thinking that they will never be able to. It is good to see that vacation can still be affordable to those that work all the time. It is true that our economy is changing and when you think about it, if Hungary is an affordable place to visit now and won't be later on and Europe will be affordable later, you can still go and visit Europe and experience their culture and lifestyle, you will just have to wait a little bit to travel there.

New Quarter


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Man pulls shark's tail to save woman in Australia

In Perth, Australia a female diving guide was bitten by a shark and she was saved when another swimmer pulled the shark's tail. Frank Pisani of Fermantle Sea Rescue said that an unknown man grabbed the tail of the shark when it bet Elyse Frankcom 30 miles south of Perth. Pisani said that Frankcom started to sink but the man grabbed hold of her and brought her to the surface and into the boat. Frankcom was guiding a group of people on a dive with dolphins. Tony Cappelluti, spokesman for Department of Fisheries, said that the 10- foot shark was either a great white or a whaler shark. Frankcom, after surgery, is in a stable condition.


This is one crazy story. First off, I hope that Frankcom is doing well and isn't too seriously injured. Second, I give a round of applause to the guy how saved Frankcom. I think that he was very brave to pull the shark's tail, when the shark could have turned on him next. I would really like to know who the man was so he could have recognition as a hero in this situation.

I wonder if anyone saw the shark coming. I mean, Frankcom was diving with dolphins with a bunch of other people, so did any of them see the shark coming. Plus, it is crazy that Frankcom didn't see the shark coming or maybe she didn't expect it to get that close. Anywho, I bet the company that does the diving with sharks feels bad about one of their workers getting bitten by a shark, but I bet that they are glad that they don't have to deal with being sued if one of the group members was bitten by a shark.

Again, I hope Frankcom is doing well and that no one else got hurt during this incident.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Michelle Obama reflects on reluctance to get into politics

Michelle Obama returned to The Women's Conference to address a group of 14,000 people, most were women. The last time she was at the conference was a few years ago where she appeared in a panel with four presidential candidate wives. It took a lot of convincing for Michelle Obama to think that running for president was a good idea. She worried a lot about her girls and what to say. She beat herself up about the thinks she didn't get right during the campaign.

She spoke about an issue that is now one of her priorities as first lady. It is military families. They have to move every few years, adjust to new schools and surroundings, find jobs. Jill Biden spoke about being a military mom. She talked of troops she has met.


I would think that being a child in a military family has got to be hard and for our first lady to recognize this is pretty great. Michelle Obama can learn to help those people struggling with jobs, moving and adjusting to school for kids. I would really like to see what she does to address this issue in the future.

I agree with Michelle in the fact that if my dad were going to run for president, I might need a lot of convincing. I have school to worry about and if I had to be away from my parent to long, I would go crazy. I also agree with being worried about what to say and what not to say. Being a teenager, sometimes what we think just comes out of our mouths still and we can't control it. I would be on my toes and thinking out every little detail of what I said. I would also beat myself up and feel horrible if I said something wrong. I understand Michelle's concerns with running for the President of the United States.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dancing with the Stars - Jennifer Grey

Jennifer Grey is starting to feel the pressure as the front runner of Dancing with the Stars. Jennifer says that she doesn't know if she can handle two dances a week. Even though in Monday nights show they showed Jennifer and her partner Derek Hough fighting, they say that the producers actually left out all the good stuff. In the end Jennifer said that she wasn't going anywhere.


If you don't watch Dancing with the Stars, I suggest you start. It is a very interesting show and the dances that the celebrates create are very good.

On to the article. I think that it would be stupid if Jennifer left the competition without even trying to attempt two dances a week. I know that she has had some back problems, but I feel that she can do it and perform two well crafted dances.

As for her and Derek arguing, who doesn't argue? Everybody has their ups and downs with somebody. And nobody can get along with everyone 100% of the time. Plus, we need to add in the fact that Derek and Jennifer are with each other most of the week rehearsing together, so it is expected for them to have some differences and not get along sometimes.

I think that the producers should have put some of the good stuff, from their week of rehearsal, in their little video that is shown right before they dance.

All in all, I am glad Jennifer and Derek are still in it for the mirror ball trophy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Protect Your Facebook

The Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook's 10 popular apps transmit users' IDs to outside advertisers. It also reports the ongoing problem of the "app gap" - users who don't use apps are still at risk of personal info shared with 3rd parties. The only way to prevent your personal information getting out is not to play games or take quizes. If you have already well, your info is probably out there. You should still lock down your profile from future apps.


Personaly, if you don't want information about your life getting around, whether it is through the apps, advertisements, or people, then don't get Facebook or don't put it on your Facebook in the first place. I know that people use Facebook to connect with friends and relatives and want to share what is going on in your life with them, but you don't need to put every single minute of your life on Facebook. I have a Facebook myself, I original got it because it was the in thing and everyone had it. Now, I rarely use it because I have my cell phone.

If you are a person who uses Facebook a lot and concider it your life then I think that it would be a good idea to protect your personal information. I would start with the precautions and steps they tell you to use on the website above. Something else I would do, would be to remove my phone number from my Facebook. So you don't have to delete your Facebook.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Too much screen time can psychologically harm kids

A new study suggests that over 2 hours a day watching tv or playing computer games could put a child at a greater risk for psychological problems. Activity is good for both the physical and mental health of children. There is son evidence that screen viewing associates with bad behavior, researcher Dr. Angie Page said. She along with others have studied over 1,000 kids ages 10 to 11. The kids filled out a questionnaire (how long in front of a tv/computer and their mental state) and an accelerometer measured their physical activity. Psychological difficulties were about 60% higher for kids spending more than 2 hours in front of a screen compared to the kids who spent less than 2 hours in front of a screen. Problems increased if kids did less than 1 hour of daily exercise in addition to increased screen time. Dr. Thomas N. Robinson did a related research and found that limiting screen time reduced weight gain, aggression and consumer behaviors in kids. Robinson found that kids stuck to a screen-time budget.


I agree that people should put a limit on the amount of time kids spend on the computer and watching the television. For kids in elementary school they can use the computer to learn some of the concepts they are learning in school and if it is just for fun then it can be counted as their time in front of the screen, but I think that if a child needs to use the computer for homework that it shouldn't be counted as their time in front of a screen. Also, kids in middle school or high school shouldn't have a set limit of screen time because I know that a lot of my homework uses the computer to write papers, to create graphs for math class, and to even research some historical events.

Sometimes sticking to a screen limit can be hard and kids lose track of time. If this happens maybe they can do some more physical activity to balance out the time they spent watching tv or on the computer. Or they could just subtract it from the next days limit. There are numerous ways they can make up for the extra screen time. I also think that if a child does some extra physical activity that they should be allowed a few extra minutes of screen time.

There are a lot of bad stuff for kids to see on the Internet and even on some tv shows, so they can encourage bad behavior. As for the psychological problems, I really don't know about them but I think that kids could have psychological problems if they watch too much tv or are on the computer a long time.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stocks close higher after manufacturing data

Shares of big manufacturing companies rose after the Instittute for Supply Management said its index showed that factory activity is still expanding, although not as fast as analysts had hoped. Stock indexes started off higher but lost some of the gains later in the day. The market is coming off a surge that brought the Dow Jones average up 10.4% in the 3rd quarted. Eric Thorne, an investment adviser at Bryn Mawr Trust Wealth Management, said that expectations are rising for the economy, that is a good thing and it also means that to drive stocks higher, data needs to show signs of improvement. Both income and spending rose in August. The savings rate climbed and it can be an indication that spending may not climb in the future. About 2 stocks rose for every one that fell.


I think that it is good that manufacturing indexes showed activity is still expanding, even thought is wasn't as fast as last month it is still good. With the stocks going up it is a sure sign that our economy is improving. But I am not sure whether the economy in our area is improving. It still appears that there is a slump in the housing department because people don't have money to invest in new homes. Also people are with out jobs, which doesn't help when the people don't have money to buy a home, and there are no tell tail signs that we are coming out of the slump. With the recent increase in the markets, hopefully it is just a matter of time before we see the changes in our economy.

Friday, September 17, 2010

States working harder to collect online sales taxes

More than 10% of the March of Dimes annual Signature Chefs Auction proceeds are going to the tax man. This is because they went online to buy 4,000 T-shirts to give to donors for the March for Babies Walk in April. They buy supplies and materials online and also raise money online by selling items - racking up a big tax bill. The director of the Nebraska chapter, Rosemary Opbroek, said "They didn't know and wish the law were different. It's taking money away from helping." It takes away about $26,000. March of Dimes owes for unpaid taxes for April purchases and online transactions over the past 5 years. Opbroek knows they owe money and it will have to come from this weeks proceeds. They hope the final tally will be like last years, about $215,000, but the tax bill will take almost 13%. A lot of people stumble over the same law.

There is confusion on tax policies for online purchases. Sales taxes for online purchases have always been there, but are almost never paid. There is also confusion on who collects and when. Businesses are responsible for collecting sales tax, if they have a store, office, or sales rep in your state, they tack on the sales tax.

If the seller's not responsible then you are. You're supposed to file your own report and pay the tax on your online purchases. The majority of the people don't know of the rules and the forms don't get filed and taxes don't get paid. The National Conference Of State Legislatures estimates $8.6 billion in 2010 alone go unpaid. Sales taxes (handled by a retailer) and use taxes (handled by the customer) pay for schools and public safety.


I think that having to pay taxes, or use taxes as they are now called, online wouldn't be that bad or make a lot of people upset if we didn't have to go through and fill out a form and send in money to they state. I know that I wouldn't want to pay more money for having just bought something online and then going and paying more of the use tax.

As for people who have no idea about the law, I don't think that they will want to pay they tax on the stuff they bought in the past years, when if they had known about they law they wouldn't have bought they stuff online in the first place.

I know that they law has been in place for some time now, but I think that if they online retailers haven't told they buyers about the tax then they retailers should have to pay for some of the taxes that they didn't tell the people about, because it is their fault in the first place for not telling the buyers about the tax.

I think that on all websites that sell items should put on their site the use tax law and what it is all about. I think that they should tell the buyers ahead of time so they aren't surprised when they find out that they have to pay the use tax. The websites should either put it on their front page of the website in bold writing or on the page where you have to pay for the items you are purchasing.

I truly think that us as consumers shouldn't have to remember to pay the tax, the producers or sellers should be the one to remind us that we have to pay the use tax.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Boehner backs tax cuts limited to middle class

John Boehner, House Republican leader, supports tax cuts for middle-class even though he thinks it a "bad policy" to exclude the upper-class from tax relief during a recession. One of President Obama's chief economic advisers is happy that Boehner isn't going to hold an extension of tax cuts for people earning under $250,000/year, or more than 97% of earners to gain a continue of breaks for the wealthiest. Elections are coming up and both parties want to score points with voters who are unhappy with Congress. Democratic leaders want to put up a bill that extends middle-class tax cuts. The argument between Obama and Republican lawmakers focus on tax-cuts and if they can afford to continue President Bush's tax breaks. Republicans want to cut back on government spending to focus on balancing the federal budget. Obama has been leading the charge against Boehner.


In the article it talks about the government controlling their spending and trying to balance their budget, if the government can accomplish this it might be easier for Americans to deal with all the economic struggles that we are going through. I do find it a bit unfair that just the middle-class is getting the tax-cuts, when truly everyone is going through some budget cuts and have to give up some expenses. If Boehner is going to support the tax cut but also think that it is bad policy towards the upper-class, I think he is a bit fickle. True, the middle-class doesn't have as much money are the upper-class. True, the wealthy think the tax-cuts are a bit unfair. Although I can see both of Boehner's sides of the tax-cuts, I think that we need to level out the differences between the wealthy upper-class and the middle and lower classes.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ted Koppel will mourn his son for the rest of his life

Speaking out about his 40-year-old son, Andrew, Ted Koppel said that his son died Monday morning after a daylong drinking. The Koppel's, Grace Anne Dorney Koppel and Ted Koppel, say that their son was a brilliant caring man. Andrew lived in Queens with his girlfriend and baby daughter. He started drinking around noon at one of the Hell's Kitchen Bar and arrived at his apartment later that evening. A waiter at the bar and a roommate put Koppel in bed because he said that he wasn't feeling well. Noticing that he wasn't breathing they called 911. Andrew was the third child of four for Ted and Grace Anne.


This is quiet sad. I feel for the Koppel family and Andrew's girlfriend and daughter. But I question what drove his to start drinking at noon and going until late at night. Could it be that he was having problems at work or with his family. I would think that since he had a baby daughter that he would want to spend some time with her, but he could have had a fight with his girlfriend and not want to be around the apartment. It is hard to know what caused him to drink for so long and I hope that he wouldn't have been having family problems. I know that from my dad to be away from his kids for too long, he would start to call us every 5 minutes and text us about random stuff.

I hope that the family is cooping well. It is expected for them to mourn losing their son, father and boyfriend for a while. May he rest in peace.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Wind blast form aircraft downs limbs at ceremony, 10 injured

A wind blast from Marine Corps tilt-rotor aircraft performing a Memorial Day demonstration and caused tree limbs to fall, injuring 10 people. The incident occurred after 9 a.m. at Clove Lakes Park on New York's borough of Staten Island. It was part of the annual Fleet Week Exhibition, which included military displays from the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines. The tilt-rotor aircraft, an MV-22 Osprey, was coming in to land when the wind generated by its twin propellers gave enough force to knock branches off a tree that was 600 feet away. The injured were spectators. Medical and fire personnel were on the grounds and prepared to deal with the accident. The event continued and people were seen touring the aircraft on the ground. The tilt-rotor aircraft combines vertical flight capabilities of a helicopter with speed and range of an airplane. It can carry 24 troops.


It is sad that people were injured during a demonstration where people can meet sailors, marines, and coast guardsmen. They can also witness the latest capabilities of today's navy, marine corps, and coast guard team. I think that it is cool that they do this kind of demonstration so people can see and understand what the navy, coast guard, and marine do. I hope that all the people injured are alright. I find it weird that they have been doing this kind of demonstration since 1984 and they haven't had any problems until know, or at least problems that I have heard of. They should do some research on what they can do next time so that a similar incident doesn't occur. I hope that they are better prepared next time and that they have a designated area reserved for the spectators so that everyone can stay out of harms way.

Topical storm leaves more than 100 dead in Central America

After a tropical storm battered Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, about 115 people have died. Guatemala was hit the hardest, at least 92 deaths, 54 missing and 59 injured, 112,000 people have been evacuated and 29,000 living in temporary shelters says Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom. Mudslides have destroyed homes and buildings and burying some victims. Nine rivers have higher levels and 13 bridges have collapsed. Classes have been canceled throughout the nation.

In Honduras, 14 have died, President Porfirio Lobo said. 3,500 people have been evacuated and 3,300 in shelters. Over 140 homes are destroyed and 700 damaged.

In El Salvador, 9 people died. The rain stopped Sunday and river levels are beginning to drop. Classes remain canceled.

Agatha was demoted from tropical storm to tropical depression Saturday night and lost the status as a depression Sunday. It was the first named storm for the Pacific hurricane season.


This is very sad. I hope the people in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are doing okay. This is a scare situation that they are going through. Peolpe worrying about losing someone they love and losing their homes. These people have gone through a lot having to deal with the tropical storm, the rising rivers, and finding a place to live that will be out of the way of river overflow and mudslides. We should keep them in our prayers and hope that everyone gets back on their feet and can continue their lives. Also for those who lost someone, that they are doing well and can continue on without their loved one.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

7-year-old Girl Killed in Detroit Police Raid

The Detroit Police Department is being accused of misrepresenting an incident where a 7-year-old girl was shot to death in a police raid. Michigan attorney Geoffrey Fieger had obtained a video footage of the shooting captured by a crew filming for "The First 48." He didn't say how he got the tape, but that it shows officers rushing the home and throwing a flash grenade through a window before an officer fires into the house from the front porch. Assistant Police Chief Ralph Godbee says that the members of the Detroit Police Special Response Team came to the house and announced themselves as police. The officers used a "flash bang" device, entered the house and came across a 46-year-old female in the front room. Godbee says that what happened next is still under investigation, but an officer and the woman had some kind of physical contact and the officer's weapon discharged which struck Alyana Stanley Jones in the neck/head area.

The Police were executing a search warrant. They were searching for the suspect in a shooting that killed a high school student. Godbee said that the suspect was found and arrested at the home where the girl was shot.

Fieger called the explanation "entirely false." He had seen the tape and said that it portrays the grenade device was thrown and a shot was fired. The murder suspect wasn't found in Alyana's house, but in an upstairs apartment next door where he surrendered.

Godbee says that he wished to express to the Jones family the sorrow that they feel at the police department. The police got the high-risk search warrant based on intelligence. Because of the violent nature of the suspect, it was determined to be the best interest to execute the search warrant a.s.a.p.


I feel truly sorry for Alyana Stanley Jones family because they lost a child, a sister, and a family member all due to the police searching for a murderer. In the article it said that the police got a search warrant for the Jones house but not for the home next door. I think that they should have got a search warrant for the houses on either side of the Jone's house because that way they have 2 other possibilities for where the suspect might be. Although they got the warrant based on intelligence, I think that they still probably weren't sure whether or not the suspect was specifically in that house.

I think that if the police announced that they were police then they should have just gone and knocked on the door and if no one came then they could try opening the door to get in. I think that throwing a flash grenada in the window and firing a shot from the porch was a poor choice because that is probably why the woman was a little defensive. She probably thought that they were there it take something from her, like maybe her children. I think that they way they went about entering the home wasn't a very good plan.

I hope that they family is doing okay and that they get the answers they need as soon as possible.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Next Step to Stop the Oil

If a massive dome to cover the source of the oil coming into the Gulf of Mexico fails, crews are ready to clog it. Engineers are deciding if they can close a failed blowout preventer by stuffing it with trash, says Adm. Thad Allen (Commandant of the Coast Guard). Th 48-foot-tall, 450-ton device sits on the well at the heart of the Gulf oil spill. It is designed to stop leaks, but isn't working properly since the oil rig exploded April 20th and then sank. Allen says the next tactic will be called a junk shot. They will take debris and shoot it into the preventer itself and see if they can clog it and stop the leak. The Oil company BP attempted to lower a 4-story vessel over the well. That plan was thwarted after ice-like hydrate crystals formed when gas combined with water. It blocked the dome and made it buoyant. It has not abandoned the dome plan. They are considering the junk shot and other possible solutions. Trying to stuff shut the preventer hasn't been attempted because of possible challenges and risks along with the depth beneath the water's surface. Handling the crystals could take two days. Officials are considering heating the dome or adding methanol to dissolve the hydrates. If the hydrates are gone, BP hopes to connect the dome to a drill ship and suck the oil from the containment dome.

There is estimated 210,000 gallons of crude oil is pouring from the well every day. Many things are being done, like skimming the surface and trying to capture or break up the spilled oil, to prevent the oil moving toward the Gulf coastline. People could see oil hit the coast by Tuesday.

Scientists are examining tar balls to see if they are from the oil spill. Tar balls are shaped like pancakes that are pieces of emulsified oil. They can occur naturally.

Investigators are trying to determine what caused the explosion that sank the Deepwater Horizon. It left 11 men presumed dead aboard the rig. The company's vice president for drilling in the Gulf and BP employees were on board the rig at the time of the explosion. They were discussing its positive safety performance.


I think that what happened is very sad and terrifying. I hope that the family of the people who died are doing well and that the people who are injured are recovering fast. I think that we need to try anything we can to stop the oil spill. We are talking about a spill that is really close to reaching the coast and that is harming many animals and the economic loss to our beaches and tourism. I do agree that we need to do research on the attempts to clean up the oil before we actually try it in the water. I am not quite sure if shooting, under high pressure, debris into the preventer to try and stop the leak is good because we putting garbage into the oceans. I think that it is a good try and if it works then great but if it doesn't work, we have to get all of the garbage that we put in the water out. We need to protect the animals from the oil and the garbage that we might be putting into the oceans.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can 3-D Television or Movies Make You Sick?

Three-D technology capitalizes on taking advantage of the brain's ability to fuse two images together. The glasses that you wear when watching 3-D are helping your brain interpret two flat images as one object with depth. A bunch of 3-D movies are making their mark in Hollywood.

  1. Martin Scorsese plans to direct a 3-D movie
  2. Nintendo - 3-D game console, the 3DS
  3. 3-D television models
  4. ESPN - 3-D sports network

There are some dangers, doctors say, for eyes unaccustomed to watching 3-D for hours. there are mild symptoms like disorientation and seizures.

Samsung 3D LED TV comes with health warnings cautioning that certain flashing images/lights could induce seizure or stroke and that motion sickness, disorientating, eye strain and decreased postural stability may result.

The percentage of people to worry about effects is small. Commonly, people may become dizzy after watching 3-D TV or films.

3-D causes the eyes to move in unnatural ways. 3-D presents two slightly different perspectives of the same scene. Three-D glasses have a polarized filter that separates the two images, each to be seen by a different eye. In the brain the images are fused creating the illusion of depth, says Steven Nusinowtz, associate professor of ophthalmology at the Jules Stein Eye Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Your eyes slightly cross toward each other when you see something come toward you in the real world. The lenses change in order to keep the object in focus as it moves, process called accommodation. With the images on the screen, your eyes try to align the two, but not accommodate because the image is moving toward you. The disconnect will make you feel sick.

Some people can not see in 3-D, like people whose eyes aren't perfectly aligned, or have a weak eye muscle a condition where the eyes point in different directions. People with a lazy eye may also miss out on the depth perception.

Nusinowitz says that 80% of people won't have problems.

No one knows for sure the long-term effects of 3-D television.


I do think that people can get sick from watching three-D movies. I know that after I watch something in 3-D I am a little dizzy once the movie is over and I stand up. I think that 3-D is a cool effect and it is interesting to know that our eyes help us perceive depth in the real world and the glass help us in the movies, but seeing something in 3-D, I think, is a really treat. If it becomes a common house hold thing then not many people will go out to see movies in 3-D. I think that if someone watches a lot of 3-D their eyes will get too used to the polarized glasses and have troubles seeing in the real world. They don't know the long-term effects so I think that going out and buying all this 3-D technology people should just wait to see what the long-term effects could be. We don't know if it could be something that changes your life drastically or something that is very small and minor. I do think that we need to do more research on 3-D before we all get carried away and someone comes up with 3-D computers.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Several airlines vow not to charge for carry-on bags

Several major airlines promised not to charge passengers for carry-on bags, Announced Senator Charles Schumer on Sunday. Schumer said that he contacted officials at United Airlines, Delta Airlines, US Airways, JetBlue, and American Airlines, and secured commitments from all. Two weeks ago, Spirit Airlines was the first in the U.S. to propose charging $45 to store luggage in overhead bins.

On Wednesday, Schumer introduced a bill that amends the tax code to eliminate a loophole that allows airlines to avoid taxes on certain fees. This came after two other senators put a bill that would change how the Federal Aviation Administration regulates carry-on fees. Spirit argues that the fee is a strategy to make boarding faster and easier. Spirit's chief executive, Ben Baidanza, said that this is a free market and consumers can make their own choices and that Spirit is about giving people options to choose what they want to pay for.

Senator Robert Menendez countered that air carriers are crossing a line that will end by pricing middle-class families so they won't be able to fly. He also states that airlines can set their prices and families should be able to bring a change of clothes with them.

As a result the bill's co-authors called on the U.S. Treasury Department to close a loophole that gives airlines preferential tax treatment for fees on services that are not deemed "reasonably necessary."

BAG(Block Airlines' Gratuitous) Fees Act would require carry-ons be considered essential. The Free of Fees for Carry-On Act reauthorized funding for the Federal Aviation Administration.

The goal is to ensure that passengers aren't penalized for bringing medication, food and laptops on planes.


I think that having to pay to bring a carry-on bag on board is really unnecessary. I think that everyone should be able to bring a change of clothes and other things that they may need on an airplane and not be charged for it. Also, with Spirit charging for carry-on bags, I think that Spirit will be losing a lot of customers. I have only been on a plane once and from what I saw many people brought on a carry-on. With knowing this, I have a feeling that those people will not fly with Spirit and others may feel the same way and no longer fly on Spirit planes.
I am glad that some Senators are listening to the people and are taking action in keeping carry-ons free. I hope that other airlines will see that if they also charge for carry-ons they will lose business. Also, an effect from charging for carry-ons, many people will choose not to fly and people won't take as many trips or business trips. I hope that the bills work well and Spirit does well with their business.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Earthquake hits southern Spain; damage said unlikely

On Monday near Granada, Spain, a strong earthquake struck. The depth made damage unlikely. The earthquake struck at 12:08 a.m. with a magnitude of 6.2. The center of the earthquake was 15 miles southeast of Granada and 230 miles south of Madrid, Spain's capital. There wasn't immediate report of injuries or damage. The quakes depth was recorded at 400 miles, meaning little damage. "The deeper the quake, the less damage because the earth absorbs the energy." says geophysicist Susan Potter.


I am glad that there was little damage done to Spain. It would be very sad if we had to go through everything, all over again, that happened to Haiti. I hope that all the people are doing well and are okay. Thankfully there were no immediate reports of injuries. I think that the people of Spain should be happy that the strong earthquake had a 400 mile depth so the earth could absorb most of the energy of the quake. I also think that the people are probably happy that they don't have to go through what Haiti went through and are still bouncing back from. I am glad that we aren't having a repeat of the earthquake in Haiti.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Start of Fourth Quarter

Start of Fourth Quarter!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Can Memorials Trigger Suicide?

On March 22, 2010 Candace Kallevig wrote a blog saying that when a person commits suicide, others many commit suicide too to get the same attention. One of the first reaction that people take is to mourn and grieve, sometimes publicly and sometimes just to themselves. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention tells schools that if a student has committed suicide have a "muted response." It is likely that if the school makes a big deal out of the suicide, that students who are already thinking about suicide might like the thought of getting attention in death. Researchers say that suicide is contagious and that groups of people commit suicide relatively close to the time someone else in the group commits suicide. From the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Ann Haas says that there should be memorials, but that the schools should try to develop a suicide prevention organization in their honor.

Candace thinks that suicide can be contagious and that people shouldn't give a lot of attention to a person who took their own life. She is all for a suicide prevention center, but not in honor of someone.

I agree with Candace. Suicide can be contagious and is a terrible thing. I think that opening a suicide prevention center could be a good idea, but if we really think about it, people who are thinking of committing suicide aren't in the right state of mind to think to go to a suicide prevention center. I think that the center wouldn't get a lot of people to come to it unless they give informational sessions on signs that might lead to a suicide and those people who know the signs could help the people who might commit suicide. I also agree with Candace when she says that opening a center in honor of someone who took their life is not a good idea. The thought of maybe a memorial being opened in their honor could lead students considering suicide to actually commit suicide.

To answer the question in my title, Can memorials trigger suicide? I believe so.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Avalanche in Canada Kills 3, injures 30

During a snowmobile competition in western Canada an avalanche struck. Three people killed and 30 injured. There were about 200 people at the Saturday event when the avalanche happened. It hit a mountain in British Columbia, says Cpl. Dan Moskaluk (spokesman for Revelstoke police). At hotels, police were making rounds to determine how many people were still missing. Crews used many resources, like canine units, to search for survivors after clearing the area. On Boulder mountain near Revelstoke was the event "Big Iron Shoot Out". The accident occurred during the event. Authorities stated that three people were killed late Saturday.


I think that it is sad that people died during the avalanche, but I think that people should be glad that only three people were killed when there was a a snowmobile competition going on. I feel for the three peoples families and I hope that they are all doing well and move forward in their lives. May those three people rest in peace. As for the 30 people who are injured, I hope they are all doing well and are on a speedy road to recovery. I am glad that the Canadian Police department did all they could to find all of the people still out in the avalanche mess. I think that the police departments should really do everything to find everyone in an avalanche or any kind of accident. I hope that everyone injured and those families are doing well and can move forward from this tragic incident.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Trainer from SeaWorld Died from Injuries and Drowning

On Thursday, March 4, 2010, Krista wrote a blog about Dawn Brancheau, a whale trainer, who was killed by a killer whale named Tilikum at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida on February 24th, 2010. Brancheau died from multiple injuries and drowning after Tilikum pulled her into a pool. They say that Tilikum has a history involved with deaths. 1991, Tilikum killed a trainer in British Columbia after the trainer fell into the tank. Tilikum drug him down. In 1999, a man was found in the tank and was said to have been killed by Tilikum's horseplay. Tilikum's history and size emphasized that the trainers shouldn't get in the water with the whale. Brancheau was in knee deep water when Tilikum came and grabbed her ponytail and pulled her underwater. Tilikum had to be coax into a different tank before Brancheau could be reached. This is a tragic accident. Researchers believe that Tilikum didn't tried to kill the trainer, he was probably trying to play with her as they behave in nature. This has raised a lot of questions about the captivity of animals, issues about space, tricks and situations the whales are put in.

Web site:

Krista thinks this is a tragic incident and I agree with her. It is tragic because a person was lost doing something that she loved. I think that the killer whale didn't try to kill Brancheau, I think that he was just trying to play with her. Brancheau had been training the whale for a long time and loved the animal. A killer whale and other animals are like kids in a way, they don't know better. There have been stories about animals acting out before, whether they are in captivity, the wild, or a family pet. Krista says that animals are animals, they are living creatures, just like us. She also says that people act out all the time and that humans are animals too. I agree with her. Animals are animals, living creatures like us. We act out, so animals act out too. Neither one, human or animal, is perfect. People love zoos, they love the fact that they get to see animals that they don't normally get to see, up close. I think that if we are going to put animals in captivity, we need to give them enough space and the thinks they would have in the wild. I think that having animal shows, where the animals do tricks, is a good way to show how smart the animals are but we need to remember that they are wild animals. They are animals who need their space and don't need to be forced to do things they don't want to do.

Krista's Blog:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Students, Professors protest education cutbacks

California movement protests $1 billion in budget cuts to state's university system. In many states, students and professors are challenging administrators and state lawmakers about budget cuts and increasing tuition that are reducing class options and increasing expenses. One student says that she works two jobs, goes to school full time, and struggles to get the classes needed. Many demonstrations focused on state-funded colleges and universities cuts. There were 122 events scheduled in 33 states on campuses and some state capitols. Dissatisfaction, anger and uncertain futures led to a "Day of Action." Increasing fees and canceling classes, cutting student support programs are two ways California schools are responding. In Georgia, legislative committee proposed $300 million in cuts to the state's college system. Students at colleges in Georgia are planing to wear black this week to show the 'death' of our education.


I think that all these budget cuts are really crazy. At my school they have cut a lot of the music departments budget. This means a lot to me since I spend most of my day in the music department. I know that it is hard for schools to find the money to finance everything and to keep each program up and running with kids interested in it, but we need to do something about it so that we can go to a college and be able to take most, if not all, the classes for the occupation we choose at that college. A person who is working more than one job and going to school full time probably don't get that much time to study and probably really wear themselves out. I think that they should be able to apply for scholarships and financial aid to help them out. I think that we really need to figure out all the budget cuts so that when younger people go off to college they would really have to worry as much as we do about what classes might be cut.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

'Shutter Island' wins weekend box office with $40.2 million

Martin Scorsese's "Shutter Island" dominated the box office with a $40.2 million take because there were no other wide releases to challenge it. It's a career best for the director and Leonardo DiCaprio. The victory is sweet for studio Paramount. The studio blamed the slated October 2009 release date on marketing expenses along with suspicion about the movie's quality. The switch generated curiosity among the fans of DiCaprio, Scorses, and horror pics. All fans packed the theaters. Coming in second was "Valentine's Day" which managed another $17.2 million despite the lose of love from the audiences. The movie droped a 69.5% from its holiday debut. This won't effect Warner Bro's plans to make more holiday-themed movies in the future. "Percy Jackson" (number 4) dipped 51%. "The Wolfman" (number 5) lost 68.7%. "Avatar" managed another record-breaking performance in the 10th weekend, dropping only 31.8% for a 3rd place finish. In 4th place "The Ghost Writer" banked a decent %179K thanks to media attention about the director's continuing legal troubles.


As I have said in another blog, you cannot out beat the box office, but I do think that a movie can win the weekend box office because the movie was just released and it was appealing to the movie goers who have already seen the other movies out in theaters. I am glad that, although there was a confusing about the release date and the quality of the movie, "Shutter Island" appealed to its viewers the same way the movie would have if it have been released earlier. I still find it odd that a lot of people put the movies into a sort of peeking order of which one is selling the most. Some people may see that a movie is selling out at the box office and is gaining a lot of money, so they go to see the movie and may not like it at all. I think that when they tell how much a movie is making they also need to put in a description of the movie, so people will know if they will like the movie or not and if the movie is selling out because it is a new movie or because so many other people have gone to see it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Teens shot during California church service

In Richmond, California a church service erupted into chaos. Three gunmen opened fire on comgregants. They injured two teens. At about 12:30 p.m. after three hooded men shot at the churchgoers, police headed to New Gethsemane Church of God in Christ. Bisa Frech, police spokeswoman, says that they are unsure if the two victims were targeted, but someone in the area of the victims was. Filled with more than 100 people, police don't know why the church was attacked. The victims were both male ages 14 and 19. Both are expected to make a full recoveries. The assailants were described as being in their late teens to early 20s.


I think that this is a very sad story. The people in the church were just there to worship and grow in their faith and religion. It is sad that the gunmen would target a person while they are in church. I think that for the gunmen to even want to kill someone is very horrible and unhuman. I think that anyone who wants to kill someone and will go to great lengths to kill someone is not in the right state of mind. I am glad that the two people will be okay and be able to go about their lives, but they must be wondering, was I the person he was targeting? I hope that the three gunmen are found, so that no one else will die and so that the two victims know that they will be safe and that the targeted person has nothing to worry about.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

'Dear John' beats out 'Avatar' at the box office

"Avatar" has dominated the box office for the last seven weekends. The romantic drama "Dear John" won the weekend with an estimated $32.4 million. "Avatar" out-grossed every movie in cinema history with am astounding $630 million. "Dear John's" success can be attributed to a marketing campaign that targeted women, who were 84% of the audience. Based on Nicholas Sparks' novel, the movie was entirely financed by Relativity Media, and Sony's Screen Gems distributed it.

The top ten are
  1. Dear John - $32.4 million
  2. Avatar - $23.6 million
  3. From Paris With Love - $8.1 million
  4. Edge of Darkness - $7 million
  5. Tooth Fairy - $6.5 million
  6. When in Rome - $5.5 million
  7. The Book Of Eli - $4.8 million
  8. Crazy Heart - $3.6 million
  9. Legion - $3.4 million
  10. Sherlock Holmes - $2.6 million

The records were broken for the top film, but the weekend performed beneath last year at this time when "Gran Torino," "Paul Blart Mall Cop," "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Taken" dominated the frame.


I know that each movie wants to be the best movie out in the theatres when it plays and it wants to sell the most when it comes out on blu-ray and dvd, but I think that say that "Dear John" beat out "Avatar" is a strong statement. The movies are for our entertainment and some to get a message across, not to try and 'beat out' another movie. When "Avatar" first came out a lot of people wanted to see it, so that is why it was the movie that got a lot of money. Now that "Dear John" is out, many people want to see that to, so those people are going to see it. Sure a movie can make more money on ticket sales, but a newer movie will get more viewers then a movie that has been out for seven weeks. That is because most of the people who want to see the older movie have probably already seen it and want to see a different movie.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Michael Jackson's Kids to Honor Father at Grammys

During the Grammy tribute to Michael Jackson, his two eldest children, Prince Michael (age 12) and Paris (age 11), will appear on stage. It will be the first public appearance for them since their appearance at the memorial service 12 days after their father's death.

The kids were going to accept their father's Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award at a smaller event Saturday night but Katherine Jackson (their grandmother and guardian) agreed to the change. At the Saturday night event, Frank Dileo, former Jackson manager, appeared and told CNN the kids would be at the Sunday night tribute.Until last week, no members of the family had been invited to participate in either of the Grammy tributes.

Joe Jackson says that he is proud of his grandchildren and that he and Katherine are the ones who initiated their participation. Blanket (age 7) in not expected to attend the show, but that could change.On behalf of the family, Prince Michael is to read a statement during the Grammy tribute.

Instead of entering the Los Angeles Convention Center on the red carpet, the kids will be escorted backstage by Katherine Jackson.

The kids were often hidden by veils/blankets when seen with Michael. The first time the public had heard the children was when Paris spoke at the massive memorial in July. "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. And I just want to say that I love him so much."

Neil Portnow, Recording Academy President, says Sunday night's Jackson tribute will be "an extraordinarily emotional, moving and fitting tribute." Carrie Underwood and Smokey Robinson are two of the stars to take part in the tribute.

Based on Michael's pro-environment "Earth Song" for his "This Is It" tour, a segment of a 3-D video produced by Jackson will be shown.

Just before he was to begin the series of comeback shows in London, Michael died at 50 years old on June 25, 2009. The Los Angeles County coroner ruled Michael's death a homicide from a combination of drugs. Primarily Propofol and Lorazepam.

Although no charges have been filed, a criminal investigation on Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael's personal physician, who was with him when he died.

I think that having Paris and Prince Michael show up at the Sunday night Grammy tribute to their father is very sweet. I think that having them accept their father's Grammy will be very touching and moving. As many people have said, Michael will be missed and if you create a playlist of your life there is at least one Michael Jackson song on it. Although the kids first public appearance was at their father's memorial, this will be a new experience for them because they will be there representing their father. I think that it is a better option for the kids to enter the Grammy's through the back because there won't be as many people and paparazzi trying to talk to them and get their picture. I, personal, can't wait to see the tribute. I hope that it is as emotional, moving and fitting as they describe it to be. Michael Jackson has been and will be missed forever. May he rest in peace. I also hope that many people don't try to follow the kids around and constantly ask them questions because they deserve to be left alone and live a happy life.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Afghanistan postpones parliamentary election until fall

On Sunday Afghanistan said they are posponing election until September. Reasons for their decision include: security concerns, logistical challenges and a budget shortfall. Dauod Sultanzoy, a member of parliament, said, "The purpose of the election is for the people to manifest their will through their votes." He also said that they cannot manifest their will due to issues of security, technology or fraudulent practices. He finds it better to postpone the election so time can solve these issues. The delays allow more time to put election reforms in place, which will please Western donors. The reforms have been asked for from the Western nations to prevent the widespread fraud. Postponing the election gives electoral institutions additional time to carry out preparations for the election. The postponement provides time for improvements. The U.S. Embassy in Kabul respects Sunday's decision.


I think that if the postponement will provide more time to better prepare the elections, then the postponement was a good decision. I also think that it gives the people more time to decide who they want to elect. Who they elect determines what life in the future could be like. The people in Afghanistan need the time, so they can elect the person who will benefit them the most. I agree that the postponement of the election from May to September with provide time for improvements that will make everything better for the people. I think that security concerns, logistical challenges and a budget shortfall are some very good reasons to postpone the elections.

I think that Afghanistan made a great decision to postpone the election until September. I wish them all the best to picking a leader that will listen to the people.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Start of New Semester

Early U.S. History Online

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Traditional Security is Best

Hayley Thull wrote a blog about airport security. She wrote that Homeland Secruity has funded a new project called Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST). It is a technology that measures bodily functions. Examples are breathing, eye-movement, heart-rate, facial temperature, and blinking. She states that Robert Burns, project manager, believes that this will be the future of airport security. He thinks that a terrorist will naturally show signs of high-stress.


Hayley hopes that this isn't the direction we are headed. She says that anyone can show signs of stress because of a delayed flight, the thought of flying, or a mother scared of lossing a family member in the hustle and bustle of the airport. Hayley also says that she finds airport security intimidating and that would stress her out. She believes that a person under stress doesn't necessarily have something to hide.

She then states that terrorists aren't normal people who get stressed out in normal situations. They could be calm nad collected right before they high-jack a plane. She thinks that they might be able to pass right through FAST detectors.

Hayley thinks that the FAST system could be used as a back-up plan and she isn't comfortable with getting rid of the rest of the security and relying on a machine that measures bodily functions.

Hayley's Blog: http://currenteventsbyhayley.blogspot.com/2010/01/traditional-security-is-best.html

I agree with Hayley on everything. I have never flown in a plane before so of course I will be nervous of my first time flying and probably stressed out. FAST would most likely detect this and probably think that I have something to hide when really I am just nervous. I think that measuring bodily functions for our security is not the only thing we should rely on. As Hayley stated people can be stressed out for many different reasons. Yes, getting rid of the intimidating airport security would be nice but I think that there needs to be some more research done on FAST to show that it is 100% effective. Also terrorists aren't really normal people so they probably won't be wigged out about kill people. So they might not be showing any signs of being stressed out. I think that we should do more research and still use our airport security that is being used now before we make a major switch to the FAST system.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quake leaves 20,000 homeless in Tajikistan

According to reports in Russia and Tajikistan, about 20,000 people were left homeless Sunday after a 5.1 magnitude earthquake hit eastern Tajikistan on Saturday. At 7:15 a.m. the quake shook Tajikistan's mountainous Gorno-Badakhshan province. The people were left homeless in the villages of Rog and Gishkon. 1,050 mud dwellings were destroyed. No fatalities were reported. The hardest hit was the Vanj district. A hospital, two schools, a recreation center and a prosecutor's office were destroyed about 249 miles southeast of Dushanbe. The U.S. Geological Survey classified the quake as 5.3 magnitude. The earthquake was centered 50 miles north of Korough and about 27.7 miles below the Earth's surface.

It is sad that a lot of people lost their homes. I hope that the people in the villages of Rog and Gishkon are all doing well and that their homes will be rebuilt quickly so they can all go on with their lives. It is truly sad that a hospital and schools were destroyed. It is also sad that a recreation center was destroyed because that would have been a place for the people who had lost their homes to stay while their homes were being rebuilt. I wonder what the magnitude of the quake was because the Russia and Tajikistan media said it was a 5.1 magnitude and the U.S. Geological Survey said it was a 5.3 magnitude quake. I hope that all the people will soon be in their homes again and everyone is all right.